5 Yoga Poses For weight loss

 “5 most beneficial yoga poses for weight loss”

Yoga is an effective workout if you are trying to lose weight. Accumulating extra weight makes you prone to diseases like diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. Don’t you want to try different yoga poses for weight loss?? So that your belly will not create a hindrance in your daily activities. You know abdominal obesity is a real danger when waist measure is 35 inches or more in women and 40 inches for men. 

Research suggests that yoga asanas combined with a healthy eating plan and good fitness routine are beneficial in burning belly fat & also building lean muscle in very less time. Now you know the key fact that continuously doing different yoga poses for weight loss won't help you if it is not combined with a healthy diet. Yoga is effective only if it is done regularly and correctly. 

As poses are simple, they might not always result in losing weight immediately. Disappointed? No, wait! The interesting fact is yoga primarily focus on body flexibility, improve, strengthen muscles, and concentration. But once your body gets used to these poses, you will begin to lose weight with yoga. 

Below are the 5 yoga poses for weight loss 

Naukasana - Boat pose

Boat pose is a full-body exercise. The regular practice of this weight loss yoga provides strength to your muscles and also help to lose weight. Do you want to try? 

How to do it? 

Lie on your mat with your feet together and arms beside your body. 

Inhale, lift your upper body and both your legs off the floor reaching your arms toward your feet. 

Engage as you tighten your abs. 

Raise your torso and legs off the floor with arms in front of your legs. 

Try to keep your eye, fist, and toes in one line.

Continue to breathe through the nose and keep your shoulder in a relaxed position while maintaining the asanas. 

Now exhale, come back to the ground. Do not hurry!! 


Virabhadrasana 1– Warrior pose 1

Warrior poses 1 to improve your body balance, tone your legs, ease neck and arms along with burning accumulated fat of your body. So, want to know the process? Understand and practice. 

How to do it? 

Stand straight on your mat. 

Keep legs hip-distance apart and arms on both sides.

Now, spread your legs 4 feet apart. 

Turn your left foot out so that your feet, face the left side of the mat. 

The other feet will be kept straight forming 90 degrees with the left foot.  

Twist your upper body to the left, completely. 

Move forward on your left knee making a 90 Degrees angle; make sure that your knee doesn’t cross over the toe.

Let the other leg stretch properly. 

Now hold both your hind into a Namaste position and taking your arms up above your head, look up, arch your back a bit, and stretch. 

Enjoy this pose for 10 seconds. 


Start for another side. 

Padahastasana- Hand to foot pose

A literal interpretation of this asana includes Pada means foot, hasta means hand and asana means posture. It is forward bending asana. Simple? But it will be better if you follow the proper steps. 

How to do it? 

Stand erect with your feet together. 

Breathing in, lift both your hand up from the front. 

Keeping the knees straight, as you breathe, try to deep into the forward bend to touch the toes every time you exhale.

Reach downward from the mid-back and lengthen your lower back.

As breathe passes, try to touch your toes every time you exhale. 

Now breathe in, lift torso, and both hand up from the front.

Exhale, bring back your hands down next to your thighs 

Trikonasana – Triangle pose

Triangle poses help to reduce the fat deposited in the belly & waist area. This asana helps you to build more muscles in the hamstrings and thighs. Indirectly, yoga became your coach. But how to practice triangle pose is important? Here are the fine steps for this weight loss yoga. 

How to do it? 

Stand straight. Now, keep distance 2 feet gap your legs. 

While breathing in, raise the arms from the front over your head. 

While breathing out, bend forward. 

Twist your trunk/upper body to the right side and bring the left arm to the right foot. 

Your right arm should be outstretched vertically. So that both of your arms form a straight line. 

Repeat on the other side. 

While breathing in, raise your upper body, and come back to the starting position. 


Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Dog pose

As the name suggests, you need to take the posture of a dog. This weight loss yoga stretches your legs, arms, shoulders, backs, and calves. Why aren’t you trying these steps for better experiences? You can call it inverted v asanas. It became easy when you try to see your Naval. 

How to do it? 

As the name suggests pose like a dog. In simple words form a table such that your back forms the tabletop and your hands and the legs of the table.

Understood right? Now Lift your hips, while keeping your knees and elbows straight. Try to form an inverted V-shape with the body while exhaling. 

Keep your hands shoulder-width apart, and feet are hip-width apart. 

Press your hands into the ground. Widen through the shoulder blades.

Keep your neck lengthened by touching the ears from the inner arms. 

Try to look towards your navel.

Balance yourself for 30 seconds.

Exhale. Bend your knees and return to the table pose.


Final words

These were the 5 most effective yoga poses for weight loss. If you want to lose weight with yoga, you must include it in your daily routine. You can also practice Surya Namaskara – Sun Salutation is a full package of good health, it includes the best yoga poses for weight loss. 

Did you know Hatha yoga is often recommended for losing weight?? But, if you are a person with a medical condition avoid doing Hatha yoga unless you get proper supervision. So, practice with precautions to get a toned & flexible body!!


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